Sunday, July 30, 2006

NJC invites.

well. it ended. whatever spark of magic i had was spent by the first round. at least i learnt. a great deal at that. made some new friends. learnt something new about old friends and talked to more people. besides the shooting. ohwell. congrats anyways to all winners (not that sp guy with the illegal string though).

i've just decided that i'm not worthy of a metal bow. at least not yet. so its my star thats going to serve for at least a few more months.

and thanks for keeping me company for a while. even though it was only inbetween ends. haha. and during e team event. loll.

what else can i say? installing half life now. hope its fun and will make up for six year old graphics. i should be studying for promos by now. but what the hell.

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